I am Vanessa Leite, recently a D.Sc. in Neuroinformatics, UZH/ETHz. I have a Master's in Computer Graphics from PUC-Rio, Brazil (2012), and a Bacherlo's in Computer Science. After my master's, I worked for four years in a software development institute.
My Ph.D. project focused on facilitating the emulation of Spiking Neural Networks onto Neuromorphic Hardware. I'm always happy talking about my project and explaining our goal.
My participation in fighting for gender equality dates back to 2006 when I joined the Computer Science Central Students Directorate. There, as a member of the students' directorate, I used to explain feminism, gender bias, and harassment to all the students.
In 2019, already in Zurich, I joined the “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee at the Neuroscience Center (EIC - ZNZ), where I'm carried my Ph.D.
In 2019, I joined the 500WS Zurich Pod, and in 2020, I became part of the coordination team.